About US 关 于 我 们

芝加哥中文学校成立于2006年,是伊利诺州注册的501( c )(3) 非牟利机构。芝加哥中文学校致力推广和弘扬中华文化, 普及中文教育,为居住在芝加哥地区的中国家庭和对中国文化有兴趣的非华人家庭提供学习中国语言和传统文化的场所。


芝加哥中文学校位于3500 S Morgan St., Chicago, IL 60609,每星期六和星期天上课。课程包括中文会话班,传统中文学习班,中文儿歌古诗班,幼儿美术班,少年绘画班,水彩创意绘画班,油画班,中国画班和,韩国流行舞K- pop班等。

About US

Chicago Chinese School (CCS) was founded in 2006 with the mission to provide a superb learning environment in Chinese language and culture for families in the Chicago area. The school is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization.

CCS offers Chinese language courses and culture related activities for students. We offer a wide-range of extra-curricular activities including Chinese Conversation Class, Traditional Chinese Language Class, Chinese Nursery rhymes Class, Chinese Poems Class, Children's Art Class, Youth Painting Class, Creative Clay Class, Watercolor Painting Class, Chinese Painting Class and Korean K-pop Dance class.

Classes are held Every Saturday & Sunday at 3500 S Morgan St., Chicago, IL 60609.